Friday, January 8, 2010

Elevation Pains...

So the last few days have been rough... For those of you who don't know, Quito is about 2,900 meters, approximately 9,500 feet, above sea level. That is really freaking high, like Mt. Rainier high. As a result it is very common that tourists suffer from altitude sickness. Yesterday the dizziness and exhaustion hit hard. I have been dragging around Quito with my parents like you would not believe...

Then the digestive crap started... My stomach cramps a bit, and, well, it all goes downhill from there. Whether it's the altitude, the food, or something else - who knows. It's probably a combination of both. Either way, I don't want to take anything, because it is much better to just let it pass. So far it isn't bad enough to worry about. Compared to what I went through when I first got here ten years ago, this is NOTHING.

It's funny because I will be fine and then all of a sudden, the dizziness hits and my stomach will kind of roll over.... Good times, right? It should get better soon. I just hope that tomorrow for the wedding I feel much better!!

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